Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1178th Most Happy

I'm back!

In general, as is the case today, it's a good sign when I don't blog for weeks on end. It means I'm writing something else. Fortunately, it doesn't follow that because I'm back I'm no longer writing that other thing. On the contrary.

I was starting to feel guilty, though, neglecting My Kind of Fool for so long. And, of course,  I had this to share with you:

Has anything more accurate ever been written? How did they know I was 66-100 years old?!

In other news, I love my new apartment. I can sleep. I can no longer identify every pair of shoes my neighbors own. I felt so grown up and footloose that I bought a TV. Sure, the internet is not as reliable as it once was, but I can live with that. It gives me more time to read and, more importantly, write.

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