Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

My new(ish) apartment, where I can actually get a good night's sleep; my job, where I am valued; my parents' home in Kansas, where the light is just right; Chicago, where friendships of two, five, ten, and seventeen years are still going strong; San Francisco, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Champaign, and Iowa City; the cabin, where I spend time with my family, with friends, and with myself; all the writing I've been doing, because that's where I live.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A year is a long time...

...but it can fly by, too.

Today is the Arlingtonniversary! K and I started writing together a year ago and we haven't stopped.

From the "I am tired of working with idiots" that launched the whole thing to the, "...and I suspect it's you," that brought it all back; from the late night cheering at the arrival of a new, dramatic installment to the resulting insomnia; from the beginning to the not-even-remotely-done-yet juncture where we find ourselves now; and from writing to editing and editing and writing...this has been one of my best years.

This is, verbatim, what I said about how today makes me feel over at Facebook, since there's no reason to try and top myself when this is exactly what I want to say:

A year ago this evening, I came home from a long day of work to find an e-mail waiting for me from [K], and we were off to the races. The writing slump was over and fiction was happening. To say it was a good year is a gross understatement. Life-changing would be better. Vocation-affirming. Freeing. If anyone wants to really know what it's been like writing intensively with another person for a year, I would refer you to Langston Hughes: "I catch the pattern / Of your silence / Before you speak."